Allows you to create a time and location log, to assist in sorting digital photographs. Especially from DSLR cameras which typically do not have a GPS receiver.
The DigTrace Photo Logger helps organise digital photographs and field data. It is ideal for field scientists or adventure tourists and is a must for those using the DigTrace freeware. It creates a text file with location identifiers, times and locations.
DigTrace is a piece of desktop freeware for the analysis of footprints and tracks whether those of a fossil dinosaur or the proverbial footprint in the flower bed left at a crime scene. It allows you to create 3D models using a series of photographs and to analyse them digitally.
Photo Logger helps organise photographs for use in DigTrace. It works as follows.
- Open the app and type in your first location identifier (e.g., Site One) and press log. The time and location of this site are automatically recorded.
- Now take a series of photographs, for example of a particular track at the site in question.
- Now move to the next location (i.e., the next track) and use the app to log the site (e.g., Site Two).
- When you are finished you can export the log via email in the form of a csv file and use it to organise your photographs or observations.
A desktop application will be available from September 2016 to sort and organise your photographs automatically using the log file and will display them by time, location and organising them automatically into sub-directories.
While designed specifically for use with DigTrace the app can be used by anyone wishing to create a time and location log of events. It is ideal for field scientists and adventure tourists wishing to organise information and photographs by time and location.
Find out more about DigTrace and how this app can be used at